In the whole course of studying at Armenian Medical Institute (AMI) there are applied various evaluation means, such as inquiries, seminars, abstracts submission, written and test works, enabling due evaluation of the students and ensuring academic honesty.

Assessment of the knowledge and the academic performance of the students is made by a 100-point grading scale which includes the results of the students’ attendance, individual reports submitted and inquiries and exams passed by them.  The evaluation by the scale is made as follows: max 25 points – for attendance, max 25 points – for inquiries, max 20 points – for abstracts/reports and 30 points – for exams. Each of these figures is considered as a 100% evaluation result for the relevant evaluation mean.   Internal evaluation is made by a “10” digital scale where the figure “10” corresponds to 100 points and to 100% passing exam. The following assumptions are made for evaluation: 9-10 points are considered as excellent, 7-8 points – as good, 5-6 points – satisfactory, 0-4 points – poor (see the scale in the next Chapter). The student is not allowed to participate in exams or credit tests if he/she has got less than 60 points for attendance, inquiries, tests and individual reports. The points are calculated from the percentage result of the learner collected during the semester of the given academic year. 1 credit is equal to 30 academic hours which includes the lectures, practical and laboratory works, seminars and individual reports. During one academic year the student completes 60 credits.

Final evaluation of knowledge is made by the Chairperson of the Examination Committee for state attestation. He/she is selected/appointed from the specialists known in the Republic who do not work in any Higher Education Institution.

In the 1st stage of the final state exam there are checked the students’ practical skills and capabilities, in the 2nd stage – the theoretic knowledge, and in the 3rd stage – the clinical thinking, through oral inquiry and exercises/tasks.

Passing through the three-level academic system, the student or the graduate can continue his/her further work both in the RA, and abroad, based on the results of his/her knowledge.



AMI applies the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS)  since 2006-2007 academic year, in line with the Bologna process developments and pursuant to the Government of Armenia Decision N 2307-N as of 22 December, 2005 and Regulation approved by the RA Education and Science Minister’s Order N 588-A/B as of 19 January, 2007.

AMI has passed to complete (transfer and accumulation) application of the Credit System since 2011/2012 academic year through introduction of the academic credits as a compulsory element for educational programs and their compulsory marking in the students’ academic bulletins.

The credits acquired cannot be lost.

Credits system:

  • 1 credit corresponds to 30 academic hours (lectures, practical and laboratory workouts, seminars, inquiries, individual reports);
  • the credits 100-point evaluation system includes the points obtained from their attendance, oral inquiries, individual reports, credit tests and exams;
  • one semester constitutes 30 credits;
  • 1 academic year constitutes 60 credits.

While introducing the Credit System, the 100-point grading scale was retained as base scale, from which transfer was made to A-D grading scale according to the below mentioned Table. “A”, “B” and “C” can be filled in by (+) (-) symbols, ensuring more accurate evaluation. In case of “FX” the student is not awarded a credit from the given course. Some courses can be assessed as “S” (passed) or U (failed): “S” means that the student has shown satisfactory level of knowledge, and “U” – unsatisfactory level. In case of “S” the student is awarded the corresponding credits for the given course, not getting rating points. The courses assessed as “FX” or “U” shall be resat.

The academic performance summary, reflecting the studied courses, education modules, awarded credits and the obtained scores, is prepared in accordance with the scale below.


AMI Rating


ECTS Symbol Description
91-100 A ”Excellent” – exceptional knowledge, with minor mistakes
84-90 B ”Very good” – excellent knowledge, with some omissions
73-84 C ”Good” – good work, with mistakes
68-73 D ”Satisfactory” – with significant omissions
60-67 E ”Poor” – minimal knowledge
Below 60 points, with the right to resit FX ”Failed” – additional work shall be done to be awarded with credit
Unsuccessful resit F ”Completely failed” – re-teaching is required
Passed S Satisfactory knowledge obtained
Failed U Unsatisfactory knowledge

To represent the generalized results of the student’s academic performance, the following quantitative indicators of the given semester and given time period shall be noted in the academic bulletin, after the semester results:

  • Total amount of credits;
  • Average academic performance indicator (AAPI)
  • Total average academic performance indicator (TAAPI) or Average qualitative indicator (AQI)

Average academic performance indicator (AAPI)


AAPI=———————— ,

K1 + K2 + K3….


01,0 1,0 2…- total score of academic performance for the given subject;

K1,K2,K3…- respective credit amount for the same subject in the given semester.

Total average academic performance indicator (TAAPI) or Average qualitative indicator (AQI)


AQI=———————– ,

K1 + K2 + K3….


01, 02… – total scores of academic performance in the given period,

K1,K2,K3…. – credits amount of the subjects during the given period.



            What ways did the Lisbon Recognition Convention suggest?

Being aware that higher education plays an important role in promoting peace, mutual understanding and tolerance, contributes to the establishment of mutual trust between peoples and countries, European countries began to take steps towards the impartial recognition of qualifications and the right to education.

To this end, the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region was adopted in Lisbon on April 11, 1997. As a result, the following clarifications of conditions for the recognition of qualifications were predetermined:

  • Competence of authorities in recognition matters;
  • Fundamental principles related to the qualification assessment;
  • Opportunities for continuing higher education;
  • Recognition of the academic period;
  • Ensuring information on the recognition of qualifications;
  • Mechanisms for the recognition of qualifications.

At the same time, the Lisbon Convention emphasized the principle of institutional autonomy. It was also noted that the recognition of academic certificates, diplomas and degrees received in any European country is an important tool for promoting academic mobility.

            What was the purpose of “The Magna Charta Universitatum”?

Europe introduced the idea that the university is the guarantor of traditions, and by eliminating the geographical and political boundaries with its activities takes on the mission of bonding and interaction between different cultures.

Based on this principle, “The Magna Charta Universitatum” with the following fundamental principles was established in Bologna on September 18, 1998:

  1. The university is an autonomous institution at the heart of societies differently organized because of geography and historical heritage. To meet the needs of the society, its research and teaching must be independent of all political authority and economic power.
  2. Teaching and research must be inseparable and comply with the changing needs of society.
  3. Freedom in research and training is the fundamental principle of university life. Rejecting intolerance and always open to dialogue, a university is an ideal meeting-ground for teachers capable of imparting their knowledge and well equipped to develop it by research and for students willing to enrich their minds with that knowledge.
  4. Universities – particularly in Europe – regard the mutual exchange of information, and joint projects for the advancement of learning, as essential to the steady progress of knowledge.

Therefore, universities should encourage mobility among teachers and students; consider a general policy of equivalent status, titles, examination results of foreign teachers and students.