The Quality Assurance Center is an independent structural subdivision of Armenian Medical Institute the main goal of which is the employment of inner mechanisms of quality assurance and stimulation of the culture of continuous quality improvement.
The Charter of the Education Quality Assurance Center (QAC) of Armenian Medical Institute has been approved by the AMI Academic Board.
For solving the tasks defined by this Charter QAC cooperates with other AMI structural subdivisions and implements the main functions stipulated by this Charter.
The Quality Assurance concept of Armenian Medical Institute has been approved by the AMI Academic Board.
The AMI Quality Assurance Concept is based on the mission of AMI QA system, which is to promote the enhancement of confidence in the main areas of AMI activities (education and scientific medicine) and to certify that the quality and the current standards of the degrees awarded by the Institute are maintained, continuously improved and effectively managed.
The objectives of the Center are:
- Development and periodic revision of the policy and strategy of AMI quality assurance (QA), to offer administrative assistance at all levels for their implementation.
- Maintenance of unified quality criteria, compliance and implementation of QA processes in all main spheres of AMI activities.
- Ensuring AMI accountability to the internal (students, teaching and administrative staff) and external (applicants, graduates, employers, the state and the society) stakeholders for the quality of education.
- Creating a regulatory and institutional framework and administrative support for the external assessment of AMI and its academic programmes and accreditation, ensuring communication between the internal and external quality assessment processes.
The functions of the Center are:
- Develops, implements and continually improves the internal quality assurance processes, reports on their outcomes, determines internal quality criteria and standards in compliance with accepted European requirements;
- Develops AMI QA regulatory, procedural and standards documents;
- Coordinates, supervises and provides administrative support to the implementation of QA processes in all AMI subdivisions;
- Ensures the transparency of QA processes and procedures and the participation of students, graduates, main employers and external experts in them;
- Organizes the self-assessment process of AMI institutional accreditation, the preparation of the relevant report, the planning and control of subsequent actions;
- Coordinates the activity of the AMI subdivisions during peer review visits of accrediting bodies;
- Cooperates with the RA National Center for Professional Education Quality Assurance Foundation;
- Provides quality control of the development and implementation of academic programmes and verifies their compliance with the established standards;
- Prepares QA procedures for the development, approval, current monitoring and periodic revision of academic programmes, coordinates and assists their implementation in all subdivisions of AMI;
- Organizes the periodic revision processes of academic programmes in compliance with QA procedures, verifies the documentation packages of new and revised academic programmes;
- Coordinates the self-assessment of the quality of AMI academic programmes and supports their external assessment and accreditation processes;
- Develops and implements QA mechanisms (surveys, focus groups, etc.) and procedures for teaching, learning and students’ assessment;
- Cooperates with the AMI Academic Board, QA Standing Committees of Faculty Councils and supports their activities;
Head of the Center – Hasmik Martikyan, PhD, associate professor
E-mail: Tel. (010) 47 08 55, Extension line 17
Assistant – Lian Karapetyan
E-mail: Tel. (010) 47 08 55, Extension line 17